Prof. Piki Ish-Shalom

פיקי איש שלום
Office: 5302
Wednesday, 15:00 - 16:00
Main Publications:
‎– Beyond the Veil of Knowledge: Triangulating Security, Democracy, and Academic   
            Scholarship (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2019).
– Democratic Peace: A Political Biography (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 
            2013) (Winner of the 2014 Ernst-Otto Czempiel Award by the Peace Research  
            Institute Frankfurt). 
– “Time is Politics: Temporalising Justifications for War and the Political within Moral  
              Reasoning,” Journal of International Relations and Development, 19, 1 (January  
              2016): 126-152. 
– “Conceptual Relics, Mutual Assured Evilness, and the Struggle ‎over Israeli Public  ‎
‎              Commonsense,” International Politics, 51, 4 (July 2014): 543-560 (contribution to a  
               special ‎issue on Evil in International Politics).‎
– “Defining by Naming: Israeli Civic Warring over the Second Lebanon War,” European  
             Journal of International Relations, 17, 3 (September 2011): 475-493.
– “Theoreticians' Obligation of Transparency: When Parsimony, Reflexivity, Transparency, 
             and Reciprocity Meet,” Review of International Studies, 37, 3 (July 2011): 973-996. 
– “Three Dialogic Imperatives in International Relations Scholarship: A Buberian Program,”    
             Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 39, 3 (May 2011): 825-844 
             (contribution to a special ‎issue on International Relations in Dialogue).
– “Theorizing Politics, Politicizing Theory, and the Responsibility that 
              Runs Between," Perspectives on Politics, 7, 2 (June 2009): 303-316. 
– “Theorization, Harm, and the Democratic Imperative: Lessons from the Politicization of  
             the Democratic-Peace Thesis," International Studies Review, 10, 4 (December 2008):  
             680-692 (contribution to a special issue on Responsible Scholarship in International 
– “The Rhetorical Capital of Theories: The Democratic Peace and the Road to the Roadmap,”  
             International Political Science Review, 29, 3 (June 2008): 281-301.
– “The Civilization of Clashes: Misapplying the Democratic Peace in the Middle East,” 
            Political Science Quarterly, 12, 4 (Winter 2007-08): 533-554.
–  “Theory as a Hermeneutical Mechanism: The Democratic Peace and the Politics of  
           Democratization,” European Journal of International Relations, 12, 4 (December 
            2006): 565-598.
–  “The Triptych of Realism, Elitism, and Conservatism,” International Studies  
           Review, 8, 3 (September 2006): 441-468.
– “Theory gets Real, and the Case for a Normative Ethic: Rostow, Modernization 
            Theory, and the Alliance for Progress,” International Studies Quarterly, 50, 2 
            (June 2006): 287-311.
Chapters in Books:
– “‎Democracy,”‎ in‎ Felix Berenskoetter, ed., Concepts of World Politics (London: Sage, 
           2016), pp. 217-232.
– “Zooming In Zooming Out: Reflexive Engagements‎,” in ‎Jack L. Amoureux and Brent J. 
           Steele, eds., Reflexivity and International Relations: Positionality, Critique, and 
           Practice ‎(New York: Routledge: 2015), pp. 83-101‎.‎
‎‎‎– “Away from the Heart of Darkness: Transparency and Regulating the Relationships  ‎
‎             Between Security Experts and Security Sectors,” in Trine Villumsen ‎Berling  ‎
‎             and Christian Büger, eds., Capturing Security Expertise ‎(New York: Routledge: 
             2015)‎, pp. 228-244.
– “Conceptualizing Democratization and Democratizing Conceptualization: A Virtuous  
             Circle,” in Christopher Hobson and Milja Kurki, eds., The Conceptual Politics of  
             Democracy Promotion (New York: Routledge: 2011), pp. 38-52.
– “Political Constructivism: The Political Construction of Social Knowledge,” in Corneliu  
             Bjola and Markus Kornprobst, eds., Arguing Global Governance: Agency, Lifeworld  
             and Shared Reasoning (New York: Routledge: 2010), pp. 231-246.