Department Staff
Prof. Yaacov Vertzberger
Research Areas: International Relations Theory, South-East Asia, Political Economy, Political Psychology
Dr. Yael Abessira
First Semester (Room 56172), Second Semester (Room 58295)
First Semester - Thursday, 09:00 - 10:00 | Second Semester - Sunday, 11:00 - 12:00
Tariq Akash
Technology and International Politics. Robotics and Asymmetrical warfare., AI, Big Data, Social Media and their effect on the World Order.
Lee Amram-Eilat
The connections between states and online social networks
Moran Avital
The global appeal and the renunciation of home field potential: Strategies of Israeli human rights organizations between the years 2000 and 2009
Dr. Eitan Barak
office: 5303
Roni Berkowitz
Chinese multinational companies' impact on the liberal international order and the translation of economic power into social effects.