Dr. Or Rabinowitz

or rabinowitz

Research Areas: Nuclear Proliferation, Nuclear Weapon History, US-Israel Relations


Forthcoming articles:

  • Or Rabinowitz, (2020), ‘Arrow’ mythology revisited:  the curious case of the Reagan administration, Israel and SDI cooperation, accepted for publication on 26 January 2021, The International History Review. 

Recently published: 

  • Giordana Pulcini, Or Rabinowitz; An Ounce of Prevention—A Pound of Cure? The Reagan Administration’s Nonproliferation Policy and the Osirak RaidJournal of Cold War Studies 2021; doihttps://doi.org/10.1162/jcws_a_01007
  • Or Rabinowitz, (2019) The dilemma of a ‘trigger happy’ protégé – Israel, France and President Carter’s Iraq policy, Journal of Strategic Studies, Published online: 11 July 2019. 
  • Or Rabinowitz, (2019) ‘When Pigs Fly’: Britain, Canada and Nuclear Exports to Israel, 1958-1974, Diplomacy & Statecraft, 30:4, 707-728.

List of publications


  • Or Rabinowitz, ‘Signed, sealed but never delivered: Why Israel did not receive Nixon’s promised nuclear power plants’, The International History Review, (2018), Vol 40, issue 5, pp. 1014-1033, published on-line on 23 February 2018
  • Rabinowitz O, Sarkar J. ‘It isn’t over until the fuel cell sings’: A reassessment of the US and French pledges of nuclear assistance in the 1970s. Journal of Strategic Studies [Internet]. 2017;40 (5) :1-26. 
  • Or Rabinowitz and Nicholas L. Miller, Keeping the Bombs in the Basement: U.S. Nonproliferation Policy toward Israel, South Africa, and Pakistan, International Security, Summer 2015, Vol. 40, No. 1, Pages 47-86
  • (James Cameron and Or Rabinowitz, Eight Lost Years? Nixon, Ford, Kissinger and the Non-Proliferation Regime, Journal of Strategic Studies (Published on-line, 5 January 2016


  • Or Rabinowitz, Bargaining on Nuclear Tests: Washington and its Cold War Deals, Oxford: UK, Oxford University Press, 2014